The command file interface allows a sequence of specified commands to be run in order from the command line. The interface is used by supplying the command file as a command line parameter. Once the command file is finished executing, ResInsight will exit.

Command List

Case Control Commands

Export Commands

Other Commands


The command file is comprised of a set of commands to be executed in order. Each command must begin on a separate line, i.e. there cannot be two commands on the same line.

The line starts with the command name, followed by parenthesis. Within the parenthesis, parameters can be supplied. Each parameter must be named, followed by an equals sign and its value.

As an example; openProject(path="/path/to/ResInsightProject.rsp") will execute the command openProject with the parameter path. path is a string, see Types for a list of all types a parameter can have.

Not all parameters are required, in which case they can be omitted and their value will be defaulted. The order of parameters does not matter.


There are different types of parameters that can be supplied.

Type Input Example
Integer Number 5
Double Decimal number 3.14
String Sequence of characters contained in quotes ("")1 “/path/to/file”
Enum Choice of a set of given options ALL
Boolean true or false true
List Multiple choices of another type, written within square brackets ([]) separated by a comma (,) [1, 2, 3]

1 The backslash (\) character is used as an escape character within strings, so to use a quote within a string, use "escape \" with \"". To input a literal backslash character, use "\\".

Case Control Commands


Opens a ResInsight project file.

Parameter Description Type Required
path File path to the project file String




Closes the current open project.




Set startup directory.

Parameter Description Type Required
path Path to directory to use as startup directory String




Import Eclipse case from file.

Parameter Description Type Required
path File path to the case to load String




Replaces a case in the current project with the specified new case.

openProject must be called before this command to set which project file is to be used when replacing cases. This command re-opens the project with the new case replaced. To replace more than one case at the same time, use replaceSourceCases.

Parameter Description Type Required
newGridFile File path to the new grid file to replace with String
caseId ID of the case to replace. Defaults to first case Integer  


replaceCase(newGridFile="/home/user/otherReservoir.EGRID", caseId=4)


Replaces multiple source cases in the current project.

openProject must be called before this command to set which project file is to be used when replacing cases. This command re-opens tje project with the cases replaced.

Parameter Description Type Required
gridListFile File path to file containing list of cases to replace with String
caseGroupId ID of group to replace cases in. Defaults to first group Integer  



Export Commands


Replaces the first case in the current project with each case in the given file and saves snapshots of all views.

openProject must be called before this command to set which project file is to be used when replacing cases.

Folder to output snapshots should be set using setExportFolder with SNAPSHOTS type.

Parameter Description Type Required
gridListFile File path to file containing list of cases to create snapshots of String




Export snapshots of specified type.

Folder to output snapshots should be set using setExportFolder with SNAPSHOTS type.

Parameter Description Type Required
type Type of snapshots to export. Choices: ALL, VIEWS, PLOTS. Defaults to ALL Enum  
prefix Exported file name prefix. Defaults to no prefix String  




Exports property values for all cells in the grid to file in Eclipse format.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case for export Integer
timeStep The time step index for export Integer
property Name of property to export String
eclipseKeyword Eclipse keyword used as text in export header. Defaults to the value of property parameter String  
undefinedValue Value to use for undefined values. Defaults to 0.0 Double  
exportFile Filename for export. Defaults to the value of property parameter String  


exportProperty(caseId=1, timeStep=4, property="SOIL")


Exports property values for all cells in the grid to file in Eclipse format. Use specified cell result in view to define the export property. One file per view will be exported.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case to export property from Integer
viewNames Name of views to export from. If not specified, all views are exported List of String  
undefinedValue Value to use for undefined values. Defaults to 0.0 Double  



exportPropertyInViews(caseId=1, viewNames=["view A", "view 4"])


Export well path completions.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case to export well paths for Integer
timeStep The time step to export completions for Integer
wellPathNames Names of well paths to export for. Defaults to all checked wells. If a list of well names are provided, those wells are included even if unchecked List of String  
compdatExport Chose whether transmissibilities are exported. Choices: TRANSMISSIBILITIES, WPIMULT_AND_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_FACTORS. Defaults to TRANSMISSIBILITIES Enum  
includePerforations Whether main bore perforations should be included. Defaults to true Boolean  
includeFishbones Whether fishbones should be included. Defaults to true Boolean  
excludeMainBoreForFishbones Whether main bore completions should be excluded for cells with fishbones. Defaults to false Boolean  
combinationMode Combination mode. Choices: INDIVIDUALLY, COMBINED. Defaults to INDIVIDUALLY Enum  


exportWellPathCompletions(caseId=3, timeStep=5, includeFishbones=false)


Export fracture completions for simulation wells.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case to export simulation well fracture completions for Integer
viewName The name of the view to export simulation well fracture completions for. Since view names are not unique, all views sharing the given name will be used String
timeStep The time step to export completions for Integer
simulationWellNames Names of simulation wells to export for. Defaults to all checked wells. If a list of names are provided, those wells are included even if unchecked List of String  
fileSplit How the files are split. Choices: UNIFIED_FILE, SPLIT_ON_WELL, SPLIT_ON_WELL_AND_COMPLETION_TYPE. Defaults to UNIFIED_FILE Enum  
compdatExport Chose whether transmissibilities are exported. Choices: TRANSMISSIBILITIES, WPIMULT_AND_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_FACTORS. Defaults to TRANSMISSIBILITIES Enum  


exportSimWellFractureCompletions(caseId=3, viewName="View 2", timeStep=5)


Export multi-segment wells.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case to export well paths for Integer
wellPath Name of well path to export well segments for String


exportMsw(caseId=1, wellPath="MainWell")


Export well paths.

Parameter Description Type Required
wellPathNames Names of well paths to export for. Defaults to all checked wells. If a list of well names are provided, those wells are included even if unchecked List of String  
mdStepSize Spacing (measured depth) between each sample along the well path. Default to 5.0 Double  


exportWellPaths(wellPathNames=["B-1H", "B-2H"], mdStepSize=1.5)


Export visible cells

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case to export cells for Integer
viewName Name of the view associated with the specified case Double
exportKeyword The keyword to export. Choices: FLUXNUM or MULTNUM. Default: FLUXNUM Enum  
visibleActiveCellsValue Value to use for visible active cells. Default: 1 Integer  
hiddenActiveCellsValue Value to use for hidden active cells. Default: 0 Integer  
inactiveCellsValue Value to use for inactive cells. Default: 0 Integer  


exporVisibleCells(caseId=0, viewName="View 1", exportKeyword=MULTNUM)


Set the folder to export different types of data to. Set this before attempting to export data to ensure it is exported to desired location.

Parameter Description Type Required
type Type of export folder to set. Choices: COMPLETIONS, SNAPSHOTS, PROPERTIES, STATISTICS Enum
path Directory to export the given type to String
createFolder If true, create the folder when required. Default false. Boolean  


setExportFolder(type=SNAPSHOTS, path="/home/user/snapshots")



Execute an Octave script.

Parameter Description Type Required
path Path to the octave script to execute Integer
caseIds The cases to run the octave script on. Defaults to running the script without a specified case List of Integer  


runOctaveScript(path="/home/user/octave/something.m", caseIds=[1,2,6])


Resize the main window to the specified size.

Parameter Description Type Required
width The width to set for the main window Integer
height The height to set for the main window Integer


setMainWindowSize(width=1920, height=1200)


Compute statistics for statistics cases.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseIds IDs of statistics cases to compute. Default is all statistics cases List of Integer  





Set the time step for a given case. The time step is used for all views on the case.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case to set time step for Integer
timeStep Index of time step to switch to Integer


setTimeStep(caseId=1, timeStep=8)


Scale fracture template parameters.

Parameter Description Type Required
id ID of fracture template Integer
halfLength Half Length scale factor Double  
height Height scale factor Double  
dFactor D-factor scale factor Double  
conductivity Conductivity scale factor Double  


scaleFractureTemplate(id=1, width=2, height=1.5)


Set fracture template containment parameters.

Parameter Description Type Required
id ID of fracture template Integer
topLayer Top layer containment Integer
baseLayer Base layer containment Integer


setFractureContainment(id=1, topLayer=2, baseLayer=7)


Create multiple fractures on one or more well paths.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId Case ID Integer
templateId Fracture template id Integer
wellPathNames Well path names. Default: All well paths List of Strings  
minDistFromWellTd Min distance from well path tip. Default: 100.0 m Double  
maxFracturesPerWell Max fractures per well. Default: 100 Integer  
topLayer Top K layer. Default: Top layer from current model Integer  
baseLayer Base K layer. Default: Bottom layer from current model Integer  
spacing Distance between fractures. Default: 300.0 m Double  
action How to handle existing fractures. Choices: APPEND_FRACTURES, REPLACE_FRACTURES. The replace option will delete all existing fractures before adding new ones. Default: APPEND_FRACTURES Enum  


createMultipleFractures(caseId=0, templateId=1, wellPathNames=["B-1H", "B-2H"], action=REPLACE_FRACTURES)


Create temporary LGRs for completions on the selected well paths. The splitType parameter controls which main grid cells to split into LGRs. The LGR_PER_CELL option splits only those main grid cells that intersect with a completion. The LGR_PER_COMPLETION option splits all main grid cells that are located within an IJK bounding box covering all intersected cells for each completion. The LGR_PER_WELL works like the previous option, but the bounding box covers intersected cells for all completions on a well path.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseId ID of case to create LGRs for Integer
timeStep The time step to create LGRs for Integer
wellPathNames Names of well paths to export for. Defaults to all checked wells. If a list of well names are provided, those wells are included even if unchecked List of String  
refinementI Size of the LGR along the I axis, in each main grid cell. Integer
refinementJ Size of the LGR along the J axis, in each main grid cell. Integer
refinementK Size of the LGR along the K axis, in each main grid cell. Integer
splitType How to split the LGRs. Options: LGR_PER_CELL, LGR_PER_COMPLETION, LGR_PER_WELL. Default option is LGR_PER_COMPLETION Enum  


createLgrForCompletions(caseId=0, timeStep=0, wellPathNames=["B-1H", "B-2H"], refinementI=2, refinementJ=3, refinementK=4, splitType=LGR_PER_WELL)


Create saturation pressure plots for the specified cases.

Parameter Description Type Required
caseIds IDs of cases to create plots for. Default is all cases List of Integer  

